I am a parent probably much like you. I have combined experience of family court and criminal law enforcement based background . I have done additional training in supporting people with mental health issues.
I am a now a Mckenzie Friend assisting in Family Court.

You are welcome to contact me on familycourtwithoutsolicitor@gmail.com or https://twitter.com/familymckenzie. If you leave a phone number I will call back

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30 March 2015

Litigant in Person

 New statistics just released confirm the number of litigants in person are up in private law family cases.

The number of private law disposals where both parties were represented fell by 42% in October to December 2014 compared to the same quarter the previous year. This continues the trend since Q2 2013. 

The full report is here

So what some will say, there are many mutterings and somewhat louder comments on various family law forums about rip off legal aid lawyers. You will be surprised to hear that I am not a mutterer myself  as I commented before when I had legal representation in my own family case I had an appalling solicitor and a fantastic one. A Mckenzie fulfils a different role , I assist you to run your own case, provide much needed moral support and keep you focused. You are much more in control and I am more accessible and quicker to respond than the average solicitor.  I would say that I fulfil a similar role to a birth partner, I will calm you down, I will listen even when you are upset and tell you when to push your point!  

Of course you can run your own case but there are a number of reasons not to:
1. It is difficult to logical when you are so emotionally involved
2. With the closing of the courts public counters , it is even more difficult to file an application/bundle etc
3. Court is formal, even lawyers get nervous  at times, you are very likely too and will miss important points
4.Dare I say solicitors can be difficult to deal with, they are not always the best at communication. Though you would have to communicate a mckenzie can prompt and advise.
5. Court forms and the Ministry of Justice website can be baffling to say the least.
6. In the long run it could actually cost you more , litigation that goes on for years is draining, financially, emotionally and eats away at time.By investing in a little help at the start ,it is likely to shorten the time spent in court.It's just really like changing the oil in your car rather than then shelling out on a major service in the future.

If you do decide to represent yourself I would urge you to at least take a friend along for moral support. Some courts have Personal Support Units , who will not  legally advise but offer practical support.


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