I am a parent probably much like you. I have combined experience of family court and criminal law enforcement based background . I have done additional training in supporting people with mental health issues.
I am a now a Mckenzie Friend assisting in Family Court.

You are welcome to contact me on familycourtwithoutsolicitor@gmail.com or https://twitter.com/familymckenzie. If you leave a phone number I will call back

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19 February 2015

 Children's Mental Health Week

This caught my attention as children under the child protection radar are so more likely to have mental health issues as are those living in care. 

The link to Place2Be is here  https://www.place2be.org.uk/our-story/childrens-mental-health-week/

Mental health issues in my opinion anyway could possibly be the the last taboo. Poor mental well being although it may have a genetic link, is nothing to be ashamed of and is certainly not catching

Common causes of mental health problems:

Isolation and lack of a support network
Life events such as unemployment, bereavement, illness and abuse
Family history and upbringing including witnessing domestic violence as a child
Lack of personal resilience due to low self esteem, special needs and resistance to change
Experience of education and employment such as being bullied at school, lack of qualifications leading to limited work choices

Coping strategies

These can be positive or negative. The negative can provide short term relief but will not lead to long term improvement they include drinking alcohol , self harming, binge eating and taking drugs( including some prescription drugs)
Positive coping strategies include talking therapies, writing problems down , exercising, maintaining friendships. 

Getting help

This is a really difficult decision as whatever is supposed to happen there is no doubt that children are removed as a result of parents admitting to mental health problems in either themselves or their children. I must stress that it doesn't always happen and please don't delay getting help because of these worries. However there is help available that will not filter back to Children's Services , for instance MIND has an on line forum and in various parts of the country Stress Control Courses are run, normally you do not even give your name to join these. Alateen run support groups for 12-17 year olds affected by a family members drinking and it is also completely anonymous 

Another organisation who may offer help is Young Minds who provide a breakdown of mental health issues affecting children:


They run a parent helpline as well.

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